Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family

        技术文章 / Published Papers

动中通天线在传统卫星通信系统中的应用 /  Using Mobile Antenna for Fixed Satellite Service

iPSTAR系统的特点及其在普遍服务中的优势 / The Advantages about iPSTAR System in Rural Communications

The Innovation of Satcom Industry in China / 试论中国卫星通信行业的发展创新

iPSTAR与高密度固定卫星业务 / iPSTAR and High Density Fixed Satellite Service

频谱仪在卫星通信领域的使用 / Spectrum Analyzer and Its Usage in Satellite Communication

通信卫星转发器的主要性能参数 / Main Specifications for Communication Satellite Transponders

试论中国卫星通信行业的发展策略 / Discussion on Developing Strategy of China Satcom Industry

倾斜轨道同步卫星通信系统介绍 / Introduction on Inclined GSO Satellite Communication System

卫星转发器资源的比较与选择 / The Experience in Satellite Resource Comparison and Selection

高空通信平台的系统方案探讨 / Discussion on System Scenario for High Altitude Platform Station

卫星通信需以变革求发展 / Technical Innovation and Development of Satellite Communication

开发和利用C频段资源的新途径 / New Technical Solutions on Utilizing C-band Spectrum Resource

利用中国直播卫星普及义务教育 / Distance Compulsory Education Utilizing Chinese DBS System

通信广播卫星的轨位资源与邻星协调 / Orbital Resource and Interference Coordination for FSS & BSS

雨衰估算方法的演变与问题 / Method Discussion in Rain Attenuation Estimation

卫星通信行业的技术应变与商机 / Technical Development and Business Opportunity in Satellite Communication

试论中国直播卫星的轨位资源利用 / Orbital Resource Utilization for Chinese DBS System

Ku频段SCPC载波的系统余量与SFD的选择 / System Margin and SFD SETTing for Ku-band SCPC Carriers

Ku邻星在0.5度轨位间隔的共存可能性探讨 / Cooperation Possibility between Ku-band Satellites at 0.5° Orbital Separation

VSAT系统网管软件 / Network Management Software for VSAT System






动中通天线在传统卫星通信系统中的应用 /  Using Mobile Antenna for Fixed Satellite Service


截稿于2007年10月,刊登在《中国无线电 / Digital Communication World》2007年第12期,并且发表于中国通信学会第4届卫星通信新业务新技术学术年会(2006年3月,北京)


iPSTAR系统的特点及其在普遍服务中的优势 / The Advantages about iPSTAR System in Rural Communications




The Innovation of Satcom Industry in China


Discussing technical innovation and development in different satcom areas, and then offers some strategic considerations and detailed suggestions for China satcom industry. / 在通信卫星、轨位和频谱资源、地球站设备和卫星通信网等方面,对中国卫星通信行业的技术创新和行业发展,提出了一些策略性设想和具体化建议。)

截稿于2006年1月,英文版刊登在《China Communications / 中国通信》2006年第1期,中文版刊登在《现代电信科技 / Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunication》2006年第4期


iPSTAR与高密度固定卫星业务 / iPSTAR and High Density Fixed Satellite Service

(从分析iPSTAR卫星着手,推测并探讨高密度固定卫星业务的技术特点 与应用可能性。/ The analysis on iPSTAR, and the discussion on technical character and possible application of high density fixed satellite service.


截稿于2005年7月,刊登在《数字通信世界 / Digital Communication World》2005年第10期,并且发表于中国通信学会卫星通信新业务新技术学术研讨会(2005年,北京)还在未通知作者的情况下被《无线电技术与信息》2005年第11期转载


频谱仪在卫星通信领域的使用 / Spectrum Analyzer and Its Usage in Satellite Communication

(择要介绍频谱仪的原理功能,以及它在卫星通信领域的使用方法。/ The principle and functions of spectrum analyzers, and the usage experience in satcom area.

截稿于2005年8月,刊登在《卫星与网络 / Sat & Net》2005年10月号


通信卫星转发器的主要性能参数 / Main Specifications for Communication Satellite Transponders

(从G/TSFDEIRP在链路计算中的使用说起,介绍这几个转发器主要参数的说明及计算方法、参数的测量与验证、以及参数在使用中的变化和取值比较。/ Begun with the usage of G/T, SFD and EIRP in link budget, then discussing the spec definition, the spec tests in plant and in orbit, the spec variation by satellite operation, and how to compare and select transponder resource.

截稿于2004年11月17日,刊登在《中国无线电 / China Radio》2005年第5期


试论中国卫星通信行业的发展策略 / Discussion on Developing Strategy of China Satcom Industry

(分析探讨中国卫星通信行业的技术发展趋势、行内现有资源、以及系统管理经验,并就行业发展提出策略性设想和具体化建议。/ This paper attempts to analyze and discuss the technical developing tendency, occupied and potential resources, and system management experiences in China satcom industry, and then offers some strategic considerations and detailed suggestions for the development of the industry.


截稿于2002年12月19日,刊登在《电信科学 / Telecommunications Science》2003年第2期


倾斜轨道同步卫星通信系统介绍 / Introduction on Inclined GSO Satellite Communication System

(介绍可在赤道平面以外的空间利用C频段频谱资源的倾斜轨道同步卫星通信系统,并对具体的星座结构、工作频段、干扰协调和系统方案作初步探讨。 除了固定卫星通信外,相关系统似乎还可以结合CDMA技术,利用额外得来的频率资源,应用于移动广播、移动通信、以及定位等领域。/ This paper introduces inclined GSO satellite which shares C-band spectrum resource out of the equatorial plane. The consideration on constellation design, frequency band, interference coordination and system infrastructure of inclined GSO satellite is also discussed.

截稿于2002年8月5日,刊登在《电信科学 / Telecommunications Science》2002年第11期


卫星转发器资源的比较与选择 / The Experience in Satellite Resource Comparison and Selection

(介绍卫星资源、转发器管理、邻星协调、降雨衰耗和潜在干扰等因素对卫星通信载波的影响,分析和比较选用卫星转发器资源时的注意事项。/ The quality of service in a satcom system would be influenced by frequency and orbital resource, transponder management, coordination situation, rain attenuation, potential interference, etc. This paper, which is based on the experience in both space segment and ground segment, introduces the consideration at comparing and selecting satellite resource.


截稿于2002年2月27日,刊登在《卫星通信广播电视 / China Satcom》2002年第5期


高空通信平台的系统方案探讨 / Discussion on System Scenario for High Altitude Platform Station

(简要介绍不同载体的两种高空通信平台。对高空平台通信系统的载体方案、工作频段和系统结构等方面提出具体设想。建议利用反向C频段开发我国的平流层通信系统。就高空平台通信与卫星和地面微波通信在C频段的共存问题试作探讨。/ Stratospheric HAPS is a key instrumentality for broadband radio communication, as it could complement and cooperate with satellite and terrestrial communications. This paper briefly introduces two types of HAPS utilizing airship or airplane as its platform, and describes the consideration about platform type, frequency band and system infrastructure of HAPS. The paper also suggests that reverse C-band could be used in developing HAPS’s Chinese version. The studies on HAPS system sharing C-band with satellite and terrestrial systems are also discussed.

截稿于2002年1月13日,刊登在《电信科学 / Telecommunications Science》2002年第3期


卫星通信需以变革求发展 / Technical Innovation and Development of Satellite Communication

(分析比较卫星通信和其他通信方式的特点,探讨卫星通信和其他通信方式的互补可能性,研究适合于卫星通信的新技术和新应用。/ Satellite communication should mutually cooperate and complement with other communication and information services in the new century. The development of satcom is dependent on technical innovation and efficient utilization in spectrum resource. Some strategic considerations and detailed suggestions on the development in satcom industry in China are also offered in this paper.

截稿于2002年1月,刊登在《卫星与网络 / Sat & Net》2002年2月号


开发和利用C频段资源的新途径 / New Technical Solutions on Utilizing C-band Spectrum Resource

(介绍可在赤道平面以外的空间充分利用C频段频谱资源的两种技术手段——倾斜轨道同步卫星和高空通信平台,并就相关系统的潜在通信容量、以及新系统与现存系统的干扰协调等问题作初步探讨。/ This paper briefly introduces two new technical solutions on inclined GSO satellite and high altitude platform station, which are able to be operated at out of the equatorial plane to utilize C-band spectrum resource efficiently. The potential communication capacities of the new systems and the coordination between the suggested systems and the existed systems are also discussed.

截稿于2002年1月15日,刊登在《中国无线电管理 / China Radio Management》2002年第2期


利用中国直播卫星普及义务教育 / Distance Compulsory Education Utilizing Chinese DBS System

(在中国直播卫星上为边远地区学龄儿童提供简易而高质量的义务声像教育的一种建议方案。/ The method of distance compulsory education for rural and outlying areas should cost less and spread easily. The paper briefly introduces and compares different distance learning types with their effects and costs. It is suggested that Chinese DBS system can be used for popularizing distance compulsory education with low cost. A simple and effective scenario of that is proposed in this paper.


截稿于2001年4月15日,刊登在《卫星通信广播电视 / China Satcom》2001年第10期


通信广播卫星的轨位资源与邻星协调 / Orbital Resource and Interference Coordination for FSS & BSS

(介绍轨位和频率资源的申报、占用、分配和管理方式,以及中国在使用和管理轨位资源方面所作的工作。根据笔者的相关经验与教训,在轨位申报和邻星协调方面提出工作建议。/ This paper briefly introduces the different ways to get orbital slots from ITU or the administration, and the experience in application and coordination for FSS and BSS orbital resource. The proposals for Chinese administration concerning orbital slot application and coordination, Ku-band resource exploitation, as well as BSS resource utilization are offered in this paper.


文章的第4节《经验与教训》中原有第二自然段,指出怀疑的电联黑幕,并且建议我国积极参与电联工作以维护国家利益。该段文字可能有些敏感,故在发表时被编辑删去。实际上,中国在近年内日益活跃在各家国际组织中。这些参与活动提高了国家 的声望,也维护了国家利益。为此,特将发表时被删除的文字补记如下:


截稿于2001年7月2日,刊登在《中国无线电管理 / China Radio Management》2001年第10期


雨衰估算方法的演变与问题 / Method Discussion in Rain Attenuation Estimation

(介绍降雨衰耗的估算方法、估算步骤和计算公式,以及相关方法和公式的发展和演变过程。并就不同计算方法和公式对计算结果的影响作比较和讨论。/ The paper describes the development of the estimation methods, introduces the estimation formulas and steps, and also offers some cases in rain attenuation calculation. Different estimation methods and their results are compared and discussed as a conclusion.

雨衰不可能算准,又不能不算。除了介绍如何使用国际电联建议和我国行业标准估算降雨衰耗外,拙作特别想论证并指出的是:所有的估算公式都有问题。之所以推荐使用 某一种方式并将其作为标准,并不是因为它特别准确,而是因为人们需要有一个大家都能接受和认可的估算或预测手段。

截稿于2001年6月17日,刊登在《卫星通信广播电视 / China Satcom》2001年第7期


卫星通信行业的技术应变与商机 / Technical Development and Business Opportunity in Satellite Communication

(从卫星通信在接入网方面的应用、卫星数据广播与IDC的结合、新技术的开发与利用、Ku资源的充分发掘和使用、以及BSS资源的利用和开发等方面,介绍笔者针对我国卫星通信行业发展所提出的设想和建议。/ The paper describes satcom application in wireless access, satellite data broadcast cooperating with IDC, new technologies development, Ku-band resource exploitation, and BSS resource utilization. Some tentative ideas are recommended for the development of satcom industry in China.

截稿于2001年4月23日,刊登在《中国无线电管理 / China Radio Management》2001年第6期


试论中国直播卫星的轨位资源利用 / Orbital Resource Utilization for Chinese DBS System

(在修改国际电联对中国BSS轨位、波束和信道等规划的必要性及其相关建议,92E134E直播星轨位在地面天线的仰角分布、卫星天线的增益分布、邻星因素、和遥控、遥测信号等方面的比较,以及如何占用并用好92E134E轨位资源等方面,阐述笔者对于合理利用中国直播卫星轨位资源的观点和建议。/ The modification and coordination for the BSS assignments are the important steps in Chinese DBS plan. The BSS slots at 92E and 134E are compared through different visual angle at receiving antennas elevation distribution, satellite antenna gain contours, cooperation with adjacent satellites, as well as the frequency bands for telemetry and telecommand. The suggestions for BSS filing modification and the strategies in occupying the orbit and spectrum resource are also discussed in the paper.


截稿于2001年4月10日,刊登在《卫星通信广播电视 / China Satcom》2001年第6期


Ku频段SCPC载波的系统余量与SFD的选择 / System Margin and SFD Setting for Ku-band SCPC Carriers

(介绍Ku频段卫星通信的特点。以某SCPC系统为例,通过调整载波参数和卫星SFD、以及分析比较参数调整前后的系统余量,从中找出能够有效利用转发器的带宽与功率资源的最佳方案。/ Ku-band satellite links possess special performance other than C-band. SFD setting will limit the system margin of the carriers operating on the transponder. The paper analyses an improperly designed SCPC system and tries to adjust its carrier and transponder characteristics. The system margins before and after the adjustment is compared and analyzed, and the scheme of efficient utilizing both frequency and power resources of Ku-band transponder is given.


截稿于2000年12月19日,刊登在《卫星通信广播电视 / China Satcom》2001年第5期


Ku邻星在0.5度轨位间隔的共存可能性探讨 / Cooperation Possibility between Ku-band Satellites at 0.5° Orbital Separation

(邻星载波分析与干扰计算,探讨协调地位落后一方的大天线系统与优先一方业务共存的条件和可能性。/ The paper analyzes the potential interference between two Ku-band satellites with 0.5° orbital separation, studies the cooperation possibility in the systems, and proposes a possible solution that the new system using big antennas with less sensitive SFD to cooperate with the prior existing system.



截稿于2000年9月12日,刊登在《中国无线电管理 / China Radio Management》2001年第1期和第2期




VSAT系统网管软件 / Network Management Software for VSAT System


刊登在《电信科学 / Telecommunications Science》1995年第1期



(介绍利用Windows SDK软件包在Windows环境中开发实时控制软件的一些技术方法。)














 Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family